
Tremix (VDF) - Concrete Flooring
Shubhaam Concrete in Malad is one of the most trusted for Tremix Concrete Flooring Services Contractors in Mumbai.
The Requirement on the quality of industrial floors, floor repair, road work, basement & stilt parking area have become more exacting and demanding during the last few years. A high quality concrete floor requires not only to be level but it should also have high wear resistance, high compressive strength, reduce shrinkage, minimum water permeability & minimum dusting.
The VDF Flooring Vacuum Dewatering System TREMIX is for laying high quality concrete floors where the cost being very economical. The compressive strength of vaccum treated concrete at the age of 28 days is 30 to 60% higher than that of normal concrete. Shubhaam Concrete in Malad is one of the most trusted for Tremix Concrete Flooring Services Contractors in Mumbai.
Shubhaam Concrete in Malad is one of the most trusted for VDF Flooring, Tremix Concrete Flooring Services Contractors in Mumbai.
The key to the use of this method is the dewatering of concrete by vacuum process where surplus water from the concrete is removed immediately after placing and vibration, reducing the water: cement ratio to an optimum level. Therefore, adopting the Vaccum Dewatering Flooring method facilitates use of concrete with better workability than what is normally possible. A lowered water to cement ratio due to vacuum dewatering leads to improvement in each of the concrete properties.
The Vaccum Dewatering System TREMIX is for laying high quality concrete floors where the cost being very economical. The compressive strength of vaccum treated concrete at the age of 28 days is 30 to 60% higher than that of normal concrete.
- Pouring concrete having higher water / cement ratio gives excellent workability and removing the excess water immediately after surface vibration results in zero slump concrete.
- Monolithic, Shrinkage free pavements.
- Very high quality pavements in terms of strengths i.e. compressive, abrasion etc.
- Save in cement since the compressive strength of the pavement is increased giving flexibility to adopt either leaner mix or design a slab of lesser thickness giving the required strength.
- Controlled and uniform surface finish.
- Very high output exceeding 200 sq. mts. in a day (depending upon the configuration of Vacuum Dewatering)
Shubhaam Concrete in Malad is one of the most trusted for VDF Flooring, Tremix Concrete Flooring Services Contractors in Mumbai.
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