Designer Epoxy- PU Flooring

designer epoxy


Designer Epoxy- PU Flooring

This is 100% solid metallic epoxy flooring system designed to create elegant & exotic looking seamless interior decorative floors. It can be done only on hard, strong, stable & leveled concrete base. Epoxies have evolved over the years and have just gotten better and better. Today with the advent of Metallic epoxy flooring Systems we are taking epoxies and resinous flooring to a whole new level. These metallic floor coatings use metallic powder to create depth and originality never seen in a coating before. Designer Epoxy metallic flooring systems combines the durability and strength of Epoxy with the decor options of custom paint and natural chemical reactions that provide a truly unique floor system.

We provide various epoxy flooring system for applications ranging from Heavy duty flooring to medium/ light duty applications for various industries. The system includes:

1. Self Leveling Epoxy flooring system

2. Heavy duty Epoxy Mortar screeds with Epoxy/PU coating.

3. Epoxy Mortar screeds with Self Leveling Topping.

4. Epoxy Topping with cementitious underlay.

5. Highly chemical resistant Epoxy flooring systems.


  • Unsurpassed Durability
  • Easy to apply & Fast track applications
  • Unlimited colour choices.
  • Easy to clean and virtually maintenance free.
  • Vesatile and Elegant aesthetical look.

Where to Use:

  • Restaurants,Food Parks & showrooms
  • Labs & Clean Rooms
  • Lobbies & Entries
  • Shopping Malls & Retail Stores
  • Hotels,Office & Residential Floors

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