
Stained Concrete Flooring
- It is a unique process of transforming plain & grey concrete in a multitude of colors and a chemically reactive coloring method which gives a mottled variegated translucent and marble like look. It is guaranteed to transform a concrete slab into a luxurious floor resembling marble or glazed stone. Staining offers a versatile and inexpensive flooring solution. Staining imparts a luxurious richness that can’t be achieved by any other coloring medium. Rather than produce a solid, opaque effect like paint, stains permeate the concrete to infuse it with luminous, translucent tones that vary depending on the surface they are applied to and the application techniques used. The results can mimic everything from polished marble to tanned leather to natural stone or even stained wood.
Durable and Permanent
Easy to maintain
Where to Use:
Interior or Exterior
High Traffic areas
Commercial and Residential
Existing Concrete
New Concrete/Overlays
Excellent for:
Pool Decks
Walkways and More
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