
Laser Screed



  • Flex screed is the surface vibrator of modular construction, ideal for varying panel widths up to 10mtr
  • Standard sections of 1, 2 and 3 mtrs. length. Special lengths on request.
  • Individual sections to be joined together to suit the panel width.
  • Individual sections carry eccentric shaft; hence uniform vibrations throughout the vibrator length.
  • Option of manual or electric winch.
  • Turnbuckle provided to give camber at each joint up to 10 mtr.
  • Truss screed can also be used on well spaced reinforcement mesh,SFRC (steel fiber reinforcement concrete),PPFRC (poly polplynic fiber reinforcement concrete)ScFRC (structural fiber reinforcement concrete).

Benefits of Flat Floor:

Flatter floors : Improves the flatness levelness on large pour compared to Traditional flooring method.

Fever joints : In Truss Screed system panel size of width can be increase up to 10 mtrs. So construction joint or dayend joint can be minimized up to 50 % to 70 % depend upon a floor layout compared to traditional flooring system.

Joint less floor : It is possible to lay up to 10mtr width and length depend upon layout of the floors in a single day (depended on concrete supply). completely joint less floor in a single day.

Lesser working days : Truss screed flooring system takes 1/3 of time for doing flooring as compared with conventional method or traditional flooring method.

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